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Philippe Sizaire dans le Nord

Philippe Sizaire (contes, France)  
Zmala (musiques nomades, Québec et France)   et
Aurore Lerat (chanson, Belgique et France)  

(+ Geneviève Wendelski le 21 et des surprises dans la semaine ....)
seront en tournée bruxelloise du 15 au 20 mars 2010
7 soirées contes, chanson et musique à ne pas rater  !!!
- Contes et Musique Sans Domicile Fixe les 15, 16, 17 (Bruxelles) et 21 (Ardennes)
- Soirée au Café de la Rue le 18 (  )
- Soirée chanson le 19 (renseignements : )
- Soirée Contes en musique le 20 au Centre culturel d'Evere
Le lundi 15 mars 2010
Les Contes sans Domicile Fixe ont trouvé une maison !!!
Une soirée contes, chansons et musique avec : Philippe Sizaire aux histoires ; Zmala à la musique ; Aurore Lerat : chanson
Lieu : chez "Régine" de Forest, 114 avenue Wielemans Ceuppens 1190  (Bruxelles)
Horaire : 20h
Un conte, ça vous fait respirer les cellules du corps et surtout du cerveau, ça vous transforme en héros, ça vous détend tellement que vous finissez la bouche grande ouverte et les yeux étincelants. Les contes, ça vous rend la vie peuplée de minis extraordinaires sans que vous deviez rien prendre d'illicite et mauvais pour la santé. Bref, un conte, c'est bon pour la santé!! Venez nombreux et évitez ce soir d'aller dans votre salle de fitness bondée et mal oxygénée. Toute bienvenue chez moi, chez vous! 
Réservations : par mail à:
Détails pratiques :
il existe le tram 97, 82 et 32 (après 20h), le bus 48 pour aller chez moi. Il y a un poteau devant chez moi pour les vélos si vous avez un cadenas SOLIDE.
entrée libre avec quelque chose à partager à manger et à boire (auberge espagnole)
... et chapeau à garnir à la sortie, pour les artistes !!!
Le mardi 16 mars 2010
Les Contes sans Domicile Fixe ont trouvé une maison !!!
Une soirée contes, chansons et musique avec : Philippe Sizaire aux histoires ; Zmala à la musique ; Aurore Lerat : chanson
Lieu : 3, rue des archers à 1081 Koekelberg (à 5 minutes à pied du métro Simonis - Bruxelles)
Horaire : Nous proposons que les personnes qui veulent manger un bout viennent à 19h (et prévoient un fromage ou de la charcuterie, nous nous occuperons du pain et d une salade) et que l'on soit toutes ouïes vers 20h30 (ceux qui ne mangent pas arrivant à 20h). 
Réservations : Rixen Damien - 0473755028 - ou Hortz Christel - 0485134367 -
entrée libre avec quelque chose à partager à manger et à boire (auberge espagnole)
... et chapeau à garnir à la sortie, pour les artistes !!!
Le mercredi 17 mars 2010
Les Contes sans Domicile Fixe ont trouvé une maison !!!
Une soirée contes, chansons et musique avec : Philippe Sizaire aux histoires ; Zmala à la musique ; Aurore Lerat : chanson
Lieu : Chez Daniel Maas, Rue Jacques Boon 20, 1070 Bruxelles (Anderlecht)Horaire : 20h
Réservations :  Daniel, Tél: (32.2) 521.71.80 ; Portable: (32) 485/520.096 ; Skype: daniel-maas
entrée libre avec quelque chose à partager à manger et à boire (auberge espagnole)
... et chapeau à garnir à la sortie, pour les artistes !!!
Le jeudi 18 mars 2010
Soirée au CAFE de la RUE (contes, chansons et musique avec : Philippe Sizaire aux histoires ; Zmala à la musique ; Aurore Lerat : chanson).
Café de La Rue, Rue de la Colonne, 30 – 1080 Molenbeek-St-Jean (Belgique)

Réservation :  Marie-Noëlle, 0473/505.875 ;

PAF : Spectacle + repas : 18 € (repas à 20h) ; Etudiants et demandeurs d’emploi : 13 €.

Spectacle seul (21h) : 10 €                     
Café des années 30, qui a gardé toute son authenticité, situé dans le bas Molenbeek, près du canal, dans un quartier hautement défavorisé, on y organise depuis 1981 des "dîners spectacles" de qualité. Marie-Noëlle, qui connaît la nature humaine, marque dans ses programmes le nom du plat du jour en aussi  grandes lettres que le nom de l'artiste.
Le lieu est adorable, avec son vieux poêle et le tableau de bois où l'on affichait les résultats du Daring et de l'Union Saint-Gilloise.
Jusque fin 2008, le "Café de La Rue" a été une des activités de l'association "La Rue", mouvement d'éducation permanent et de développement de quartiers qui travaille à redynamiser ces quartiers en difficulté en impliquant habitants et entreprises, en aménageant des espaces publics, en organisant des fêtes de quartier, des animations pour les enfants, des formations et alphabétisations etc... .
Depuis janvier 2009 le "Café de La Rue" s'est constitué en ASBL autonome, afin de développer plus amplement l'aspect culturel de ses activités.
Les spectacles sont habituellement précédés d’un repas facultatif, à 20 h. C'est bon et sympa, et on vous conseille de réserver.

Le vendredi 19 mars 2010
Concert Aurore Lerat + Zmala chez Cécile Quénum, à 20h au 54 Rue Jules Delhaize, 1080, Bruxelles (réservations au 0479 35 10 99 ; entrée 8€ + participation gourmande)

Le samedi 20 mars 2010
Philippe Sizaire et Zmala, spectacle Histoires qu'on sème
à 20 heures, au Centre Culturel d'Evere
2ème Festival de Contes "Chicons d'Ici, Chicons d'Ailleurs", organisé par les Chiconteurs.
Centre Culturel d'Evere , Rue de Paris, 43, 1140 Evere
Téléphone : +32 2 2411583
Le dimanche 21 mars 2010 dans les ARDENNES
Une soirée contes, chansons et musique avec : Geneviève Wendelski et Philippe Sizaire aux histoires ; Zmala à la musique ; Aurore Lerat : chanson
Lieu : Brigitte et Joseph Taeter et Liliane Wendelski vous invitent très cordialement le 21 mars prochain à 15 heures, à un formidable après-midi de conte et musique chez eux (Ruy, 50 à 4987- LA GLEIZE)
avec la participation exceptionnelle de Philippe Sizaire ( conteur français exceptionnel et le groupe Zmala + Aurore Lerat( accordéoniste, chanteuse et violoniste français s’inspirant de la musique du Moyen-Orient et des pays de l’Europe de l’Est, ainsi que Geneviève Wendelski ( ) elle aussi conteuse et que beaucoup attendent avec impatience dans notre région.
Le spectacle sera suivi d’un apéro.
Réservations : Nous demandons à ceux qui veulent assister avec nous à ce moment très particulier et chaleureux de nous le faire savoir au plus vite soit chez Brigitte et Joseph Taeter au 080/785677 ou 0498/265665 ou chez Liliane Wendelski au 087/446557 ou au 0478/436363.
Nous ne demandons pas d’entrée mais que chacun apporte une petite participation au petit apéro pour la convivialité et le partage du moment !!!
Philippe Sizaire passera à la fin du spectacle avec un chapeau
MERCI à vous et au plaisir de vous revoir très bientôt !    Brigitte, Joseph et Liliane.

Contes et Musique Sans Domicile Fixe réunissent depuis 2003 artistes et public lors de veillées qui mêlent le mot et la fête, le conte et la rencontre, la musique et (en fin de soirée, quand les chaises se poussent) l'envie de valser.
Le public est invité à être acteur à part entière, tant par son écoute dynamique et imaginative que par sa participation gustative.
Philippe SIZAIRE a une manière toute personnelle de rendre le conte vivant en le faisant parler à nos vies.
Il suscite un rapport proche et complice avec le public, cultive un amour contagieux du mot et de la musique.
Sa parole est de celle qui sait évoquer et emmener ses auditeurs dès la première minute. C’est en étant chaque fois drôle et poétique qu’il dit au monde ses quatre vérités… et aussi, raconteur d’histoires oblige, quelques mensonges !
ZMALA : Ne cherchez pas de racines à ces deux-là, ce sont des nomades. Ils préfèrent parler de leurs origines, auxquelles se sont ajoutées les influences de toutes les cultures qu'ils ont fréquentées pour constituer leurs identités multiples, forgées par les rencontres et le voyage. De là, leur manière bien à eux d'interpréter les chants et les musiques traditionnelles, de raconter, d'écrire, de composer. et

Aurore propose des textes originaux, dans le plus pur style chanson française, mais en ajoutant dans le ton et la présence sur scène des touches de couleurs saisies sur les chemins d’Europe. Pour une tournée québécoise à l'été 2009, Aurore invite dans son univers la duo Zmala ... Et ça dure !!! 
« Quelle jolie soirée ! Voilà des saltimbanques qui savent vous embarquer sur le radeau rafistolé de leurs rêves colorés. Les histoires sont belles et nourries au grain de la tolérance, du désir, de l’amour, de l’imagination. Je suis resté scotché sur mon siège, les yeux brillants et les oreilles grandes ouvertes d’enfant émerveillé. Je suis parti à la pêche aux étoiles, même s’ils me disaient que les roses ont un parfum, mais aussi des épines. Je n’ai trouvé aucune scorie gnangnan, aucune poussière cucul, aucune escarbille niaise dans la poésie de Philippe Sizaire, embecquée par sa bouche chaude et généreuse. Quand je suis parti, cigarette et doux sourire aux lèvres, je me sentais meilleur. C’est dire à quel point ces artistes-là sont indispensables. »
Vincent Cambier, Rue du Théâtre (18 mars 2005)
Philippe Sizaire
+33 5 34 26 16 15

entrée dans le sangha

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Westbound Educational Services came into establishment in 1994 to help aspiring students satisfy their educational needs to study in the United Kingdom. From its first operational services of Hyderabad and London in 1995, Westbound Educational Services has now offices in most parts of India and the Middle East countries of U.A.E and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

With more than a decade of expertise in overseas educational consultation, Westbound Educational Services has now emerged as one among the very best in the industry. More than 2000 students have gone through us confidently and with our full support all the way. We can assure you successful admissions to study in an established College or University in the UK. We have been trained and specialized exclusively in British Visas and have dealt with numerous numbers of applications which makes us unique in its own sense.

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( 30 October 2009 )

Beware of bogus websites The UK Border Agency is the official UK Government authority providing information and guidance for visa applicants and for making decisions on visa applications for the UK. We operate through the official websites listed below. Please inform the UK Border Agency if you come across any bogus websites that have copied official branding, claim to be in partnership with us, ask for payments and claim to be able to obtain a visa for you.

( 19 October 2009 )

The Visa Application in South Mumbai is moving to a new location The South Mumbai Visa Application Centre will be closed on 22 and 23 October 2009. Customers will not be able to submit their visa applications at the South Mumbai Visa Application Centre on these dates. Customers will still be able to collect passports from the South Mumbai Visa Application Centre at Stadium House, Churchgate between 18:30 and 19:30 on both days. The new Visa Application Centre in South Mumbai will open on 26 October 2009. The address of the new visa application centre is:- Apsara Complex, Dr. Dadasaheb Bhadkamkar Marg, Grant Road East, Mumbai 400 007. The North Mumbai Visa Application Centre will be open for business as usual on these days.

( 25 September 2009 )

Student Tier 4 applications - maintenance funds must be in bank accounts for at least 28 days. From 1 October 2009, for all points-based system Tier 4 applications made outside the UK, the amounts required to meet the maintenance criteria must be held in your personal or your parent(s)/ legal guardian(s) bank account for a minimum period of 28 days prior to making your visa application. The end of the 28 day period must not be more than 1 month before the date of your application, for which you must show bank statements/other evidence. The transitional arrangements that were in place allowing funds to be held on the date of application only will no longer apply to applications made outside the UK, on or after 1 October 2009. online between 1700 and 1800 BST on Sunday 2 August.

(28 August 2009)

Student exchange concession. A new temporary concession comes into effect from 28 August 2009. It is for those applicants under the age of 18 who wish to take part in an exchange scheme or educational visit which has been approved by a state-maintained school. Applicants wishing to apply online for this concession should select the ‘General visitor’ option and complete the VAF 1A form. For more information on the student exchange concession please visit the UK Border Agency Visa Services website.

(25 August 2009 )

Student Tier 4 applicants with International Baccalaureate qualifications. Please see the UK Border Agency website for more information on Tier 4 applications.

(25 August 2009)

Student tier 4 applicants – Sponsor Register. Student tier 4 visa applicants should ensure their chosen institution is on the tier 4 Sponsor Register when they submit their visa application. Applications made to attend institutions that have been suspended from the register will not be considered whilst the institution is under review. If you have a visa letter that you got before your approved education provider’s licence was suspended, and you have already been granted permission to enter the United Kingdom, but you have not yet travelled, you are advised not to travel until your educational institution’s status has been resolved. You are advised to check the sponsor's register before you travel in case your sponsor’s status has changed. Please see the Sponsor Register on the UK Border Agency website.

( 12 August 2009 )

Revised guidance for points-based system Tier 4. The revised guidance to points-based system Tier 4 includes modified rules on student’s maintenance requirements. From 21 August 2009 all students will be allowed to use a bank account in their parent’s name as evidence that they meet the maintenance requirement. A full list of the changes is available on the UK Border Agency website. Read
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école à Bangalore

News and Events
Founder’s Day
The students of Zee School wished to express their gratitude to the founders of the school for providing them a bright and colourful campus with facilities that would make learning a joyful experience and also gifting with teachers who are truly passionate about what they do. So they decided to celebrate Founder’s day with the true spirit of thanksgiving. Dressed in their bright uniform, they treated the guests of honour to a visual delight. They also performed mock sessions of their day at school so the members have a glimpse of a regular working day.
Child Labour Day
The World Day Against Child Labour was be celebrated on 12 June 2009. We at Zee School took this opportunity to make our children sensitive to the social issue that still plagues our society. While appreciating the good fortune that they were at school, studying, they expressed unhappiness at the plight of other children who were at work places earning their daily bread.

One of our teachers Ms.Radhika prepared a video reflecting the true state of affairs regarding child labour. The video was poignant and thought provoking and certainly communicated the message intended in the impressionable minds of the young viewers very effectively.
World Environment Day
World Environment Day is celebrated every year on 5 June in more than 100 countries. The theme for 2009 is climate change and the broader consequences of environmental change, and what we can do in response.

Every individual's efforts, no matter how small, can contribute to the change and development of the world around us.On this day, individuals, non-governmental organizations, community and youth groups, business, industry and the media organize activities to renew their commitments to protect and develop the environment. They organize activities such as clean-up campaigns, tree planting, colorful street rallies, green concerts, essay and photo competitions in schools, and recycling efforts.

We at Zee School recognize the fact that awareness of such issues needs to be created early in life and hence decided to encourage our children (aged 6-8yrs) to plant tree along the road side of the school, so that one day it would be an avenue that we would walk by. The students planted saplings of Ashoka trees and even lent them their name taking ownership to ensure that it is nurtured with love and care. The whole exercise was attempted with a lot of enthusiasm, giving the students a feeling of goodness.

One of our teachers, MS.Nidhi Verma also prepared colorful ppt to convey the message of World Environment Day in a manner that they would comprehend and relate to it.
Summer Camp
Zee School, Bangalore conducted its first summer camp in the school campus. The camp started on April 06 on a vibrant note as all the enthusiastic children walked in with expectant faces and the camp concluded on April 24 with mixed feelings, happy to be involved in all the hustle bustle of the day’s events yet sad that the three –week exciting journey was coming to an end. The activities over the three week span included Green ideas, Science experiments, Face painting, Dance and Music, Yoga and Young Chef.

The little ones learnt to respect each ones emotions and hone their social skills through personality development sessions. Control over the body and the mind is what we attempted in our Yoga sessions. It was a pleasure to watch the little ones perfect their Suryanamaskar postures. The rhythmic synchronized dance steps of the dancers were a feast for the eye. The recital of the prayers -slokas- with precision and clarity in diction was also the highlight of the camp.

To nurture interpersonal skills for these fresh, shy at first young ones – we had a range of activities to break the ice on day one like tongue twisters, fun games and outdoor games. In fact snack break too was a great informal platform for the kids to gel and have a free flow of expression.

The participants were categorized into two batches, the senior and junior batch based on age. The camp was basically divided into four categories- Creative, Interpersonal, Body Kinesthetic and General Awareness.

In Creative- under able guidance of Ms Phani a self nurtured effortlessly creative , gifted teacher – students were able to have varied activities like card making, spray painting , vegetable painting, decorative holder, tie dye, clay board, wall hanging, face painting using various art materials which the children enjoyed immensely.

Anusuya Vijay pitched in and oriented students on personal hygiene, behavioral etiquettes, environmental and societal conscious issues, conservation of eco system and assisted in enhancing interpersonal skills. Our dietician Ms Radhika enlightened on healthy eating, how to identify food adulterants to some extent and also taught children to make yummy healthy snacks. A couple of science experiments were conducted as well. Check out our photo gallery on how they relished the goodies, slurping delightfully making no excuses and wanting more!!

Coming to the body kinesthetic – it is intelligence related to physical movement and the knowing of the body. Including the brain's motor cortex, which controls bodily motion, body kinesthetic intelligence is awakened through physical movement such as in various sports, dance, and physical exercises as well as by the expression of oneself through the body, such as drama, body language, and creative dance. We had our young yoga instructor Ms Prameeda Pranaya who is quiet versatile and took the students on a trail ranging from Asanas, Pranayama to dancing every day bringing in that positive energy to these tiny brats. In fact we needed a booster flow of positive energy to help us match their zeal.

The second summer camp which started on the 11th of May and concluded on the 30th of May was also a time of hectic activity- learning and fun filled. It was with a sense of satisfaction that the students bid good bye with promises to meet again in the next camp. The second camp progressed through more or less similar schedule as the first camp, only the activities attempted were different. This camp also included a sports special, conducted by Edusport-the specialists in executing sport programs. The highlights of the program include diagnostic and fitness tests, skill development and enhancement as well as team skill building. This was attempted through a multitude of activities that included Basketball, Football, Rock climbing and other manipulative skill based activities.
Colouring and Painting Competitions
Zee school, in order to encourage creative expression in children, held colouring and painting competitions for children of various age groups ranging from 3yrs to 12yrs. The competitions were held on 21st March, 22nd March 2009 and 05th April in the community centers in the vicinity of the school. More than hundred children participated enthusiastically and the winners were honoured in the inaugural function of the Shobha Club House sponsored by the Club Mahindra Group. Zee School sponsored the prizes and gave away participation certificates as well.